The Prerequisites for Successful Worker Takeovers and Their Implications for Organised LabourVerlag:NOM, NomosO'Connell DavidErscheinungsjahr:2024
Decent Work or Decent Income ‘Corona Crisis’ ExperiencesVerlag:NomosHerausgeber:Sabbag Fares Lygia, Evangelista Duarte Pedro Henrique, ...Erscheinungsjahr:2021
Precarity among Tertiary Educated Civil Servants The Case of Chilean HonorariosVerlag:NomosTorres Cierpe JuanaErscheinungsjahr:2021
Labor Rights Violation in Global Supply Chains A Multi-Stakeholder ApproachVerlag:NOM, NomosShbikat NizarErscheinungsjahr:2021
The Phantom of Upgrading in Agricultural Supply Chains A Cross-Country, Cross-Crop Comparison of SmallholdersVerlag:NomosHerausgeber:Karatepe Ismail Doga, Scherrer ChristophErscheinungsjahr:2021
Assessing the Level of Self-Reliance and Livelihood of Encamped Refugees Syrian Refugees in JordanVerlag:Edition Rainer HamppSchön Anna-MaraErscheinungsjahr:2020