Human Resources
People Ops Lessons in Culture and Leadership From Building StartupsAuflage:First EditionVerlag:APRESSCaldwell PatrickErscheinungsjahr:2023
Developer Advocacy Establishing Trust, Creating Connections, and Inspiring Developers to Build BetterAuflage:1st ed.Verlag:APRESSRiley Chris, Tozzi ChrisErscheinungsjahr:2023
Mentoring Digital Media Projects Project-Based Learning and Teaching for Professional DevelopmentAuflage:1st ed.Verlag:APRESSParra Pennefather PatrickErscheinungsjahr:2022
How to Develop Your Creative Identity at Work Integrating Personal Creativity Within Your Professional RoleAuflage:1st ed.Verlag:APRESSVelcu-Laitinen OanaErscheinungsjahr:2022
The New Employee Contract How to Find, Keep, and Elevate Gen Z TalentAuflage:1st ed.Verlag:APRESSOnesto AnthonyErscheinungsjahr:2022
Managing Humans More Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering ManagerAuflage:4th ed.Verlag:APRESSLopp MichaelErscheinungsjahr:2021