Godfather Marketing
In a landscape marked by uncertainties stemming from global instability, societal fragmentation, and rapid technological advancements, consumers will be seeking immediate satisfaction for their vital needs and desires. To address this issue, firms will be called upon to grant favors even before selling products, offering solutions to consumers in exchange for their unwavering loyalty.
This compelling book presents a unique and provocative new vision of future markets, where firms evolve into organizations reminiscent of “mafia families” stripped of criminal connotations, establishing relationships with their customers based on satisfaction, reciprocation, recognition of merit, and punishment of wrongdoing. In a “Credibility Economy”, where the quality of information supersedes its quantity, especially with the development of AI, this approach gives firms a competitive edge through the creation of a trusted network grounded in a code of honor.
Godfather Marketing offers an engaging, accessible, and fresh perspective on marketing, where readers will discover unique insights on consumer behavior and market dynamics, highlighting how they can benefit the broader community, provided appropriate measures are taken to safeguard personal freedom.
Gianluigi Guido (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is Full Professor of Marketing at the Department of Economic Sciences, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. With Palgrave Macmillan, he coauthored Sustainable Luxury Brands: Evidence from Research and Implications for Managers (2017), featuring an Introduction by P. Kotler and R. Bagozzi.