Rationality Concepts in Environmental Valuation

Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
Land des Verlags:
Hohenheimer volkswirtschaftliche Schriften
88,35EUR (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)
Lieferung in 3-4 Werktagen Versandkostenfreie Lieferung innerhalb Österreichs bis 31. Jänner 2025
Survey based valuation techniques like the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) rely particularly on the premise of respondents’ rationality when answering willingness to pay (WTP) questions. Results of CVM surveys have repeatedly put this fundamental assumption into question. This study adopts a more realistic view of rationality accounting for respondents’ limited capacities to process information. Based on cognitive psychology a technique to detect and analyze the bounds of rationality inherent in WTP statements is developed. Using an empirical example, the influence of bounded rationality on the validity of CVM results is analyzed. It is shown that individual differences in information processing play a major role. From these results recommendations for future survey design are developed.
Biografische Anmerkung
The Author: Oliver Frör; 1998 Degree of a Diplom-Geoökologe, University of Bayreuth; 2000 M.A. in Economics, State University of New York at Albany, NY; 2000-2001 Consultant at the New York State Department of Economic Development; 2001 Adjunct faculty at Siena College in Loudonville, NY; since 2001 Scientific Assistant at the Department of Economics, especially Environmental Economics, Regulatory and Consumer Policy at the University of Hohenheim; 2007 Doctoral degree.