Steuer und Bilanz
Common Corporate Tax Base in the EU Impact on the Size of Tax Bases and Effective Tax BurdensAuflage:2012Verlag:PhysicaOestreicher Andreas, Spengel ChristophErscheinungsjahr:2011
Dual Income Tax A Proposal for Reforming Corporate and Personal Income Tax in GermanyAuflage:2008Verlag:PhysicaErscheinungsjahr:2008
Computers and Productivity How Firms Make a General Purpose Technology WorkAuflage:2006Verlag:PhysicaHempell ThomasErscheinungsjahr:2005
The Effective Tax Burden on Highly Qualified Employees An International ComparisonAuflage:2005Verlag:PhysicaElschner Christina, Schwager RobertErscheinungsjahr:2005
The Effective Tax Burden of Companies in European Regions An International ComparisonAuflage:2005Verlag:PhysicaLammersen Lothar, Schwager RobertErscheinungsjahr:2004
Effective Tax Burden in Europe Current Situation, Past Developments and Simulations of ReformsAuflage:Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002Verlag:PhysicaJacobs Otto H., Spengel ChristophErscheinungsjahr:2002