Steuer und Bilanz
State and Corporate Management of Region’s Development in the Conditions of the Digital EconomyAuflage:1st ed. 2021Verlag:Springer, Springer International PublishingHerausgeber:Buchaev Yakhya G., Abdulmanapov Salikhbek G., ...Erscheinungsjahr:2021
State and Corporate Management of Region’s Development in the Conditions of the Digital EconomyAuflage:1st ed. 2021Verlag:Springer, Springer International PublishingHerausgeber:Buchaev Yakhya G., Abdulmanapov Salikhbek G., ...Erscheinungsjahr:2020
Creative Business and Social Innovations for a Sustainable Future Proceedings of the 1st American University in the Emirates International Research Conference—Dubai, UAE 2017Auflage:1st ed. 2019Verlag:Springer, Springer International PublishingHerausgeber:Mateev Miroslav, Poutziouris PanikkosErscheinungsjahr:2019