UGB und Wirtschaftsrecht
The Relationship between Law and Biomedical Sciences in the Context of Article 53(a) of the European Patent ConventionVerlag:NomosRandakevičiūtė-Alpman JurgitaErscheinungsjahr:2024
Merger Regulation in Eastern and Southern Africa The Need for Effective ImplementationVerlag:NomosAngwenyi VincentErscheinungsjahr:2021
The Notion of Secrecy A Balanced Approach in the Light of the Trade Secrets DirectiveVerlag:NomosTrallero Ocaña TeresaErscheinungsjahr:2021
Unlocking the Right to Data Portability An Analysis of the Interface with the Sui Generis Database RightVerlag:NomosElfering StephanieErscheinungsjahr:2019
Deceptive Conducts before the Patent Office Challenges for Patent Law and Competition LawVerlag:NomosHoss EugenioErscheinungsjahr:2019
Harmful Trademarks Towards a New Understanding of Moral Bars in GCC RegistrationVerlag:NomosFarah NadiyaErscheinungsjahr:2019